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Tuesday, March 04, 2008 @10:13 AM

chingay excerpts

yes, we (the choir) took part in chingay.
yes, we wore black while everyone had fancy costumes.
yes, we were in the finale.
yes, the show on tv ended before we even started singing.
yes, it was a waste of time (friday and saturday nights burned).
but, we had fun.

luv, nat

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pic of the moment

current repertoire

J S Bach's Italian Concerto
Brahms's Op. 118 No. 5
Clementi's Sonata in G minor, Op. 7 No. 3

current read

Stephen King's Lisey's Story

important dates


ash \ ayu \ becky \ billy \ ching \ courier-mail's brisbane \ dil dol \ frhn \ hana \ irris \ is \ janice \ janelyn \ june & stella \ joey \ ladyhackwrench \ naz \ nur \ raihan \ rouge \ sheda \ syida \ the shrew \ trina


2008 [4 3 2 1]
2007 [12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1]
2006 [12 11 10 9 8]

Thank Yous

jeanette \ dafont \ threadless \ blogger \ photobucket