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Tuesday, September 04, 2007 @2:13 PM

class photo

photos taken in the pink room.
yes, we have a pink room. it's the only room that's pink. the rest are orange (i think).
however, although it's pink, it's not my favourite room.

luv, nat

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pic of the moment

current repertoire

J S Bach's Italian Concerto
Brahms's Op. 118 No. 5
Clementi's Sonata in G minor, Op. 7 No. 3

current read

Stephen King's Lisey's Story

important dates


ash \ ayu \ becky \ billy \ ching \ courier-mail's brisbane \ dil dol \ frhn \ hana \ irris \ is \ janice \ janelyn \ june & stella \ joey \ ladyhackwrench \ naz \ nur \ raihan \ rouge \ sheda \ syida \ the shrew \ trina


2008 [4 3 2 1]
2007 [12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1]
2006 [12 11 10 9 8]

Thank Yous

jeanette \ dafont \ threadless \ blogger \ photobucket