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Tuesday, October 17, 2006 @10:47 PM

cape town, south africa
Hout Bay

isn't that just gorgeous?

a classmate just returned from cape town and i regretted not going with her. yes, that brave girl went there alone! we actually wanted to go to vienna but a certain local air carrier does not fly to vienna at all (oh she has to fly that certain local air carrier cos it's free for her) so vienna was scrapped and she opted for cape town. i couldn't go to cape town because, oh, let's just put it this way - i didn't even bother asking anyone for permission to go cos i know the 'rents and the boy will never allow me to go (to an african country), especially if it's just the two of us (girls).
so there.
and i'm now regretting not seeing these breathtakingly beautiful sights first-hand.
nevermind amy, there's always the next holidays.

luv, nat

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pic of the moment

current repertoire

J S Bach's Italian Concerto
Brahms's Op. 118 No. 5
Clementi's Sonata in G minor, Op. 7 No. 3

current read

Stephen King's Lisey's Story

important dates


ash \ ayu \ becky \ billy \ ching \ courier-mail's brisbane \ dil dol \ frhn \ hana \ irris \ is \ janice \ janelyn \ june & stella \ joey \ ladyhackwrench \ naz \ nur \ raihan \ rouge \ sheda \ syida \ the shrew \ trina


2008 [4 3 2 1]
2007 [12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1]
2006 [12 11 10 9 8]

Thank Yous

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